
My services range from strategizing to find a brand identity to designing social media assets that build trust and authority. I craft campaigns, presentations, and tools to help your business succeed without costing you more time with your loved ones. 

My camera makes magic - headshots to showcase bold brands, lifestyle shoots to attract ideal clients, coming soon- real estate listings to entice buyers. I combine artistic talent with marketing savvy to draw out the essence of your brand, amplify its appeal, and create riveting content that speaks to your audience's heart and makes you feel confident in your brand and yourself. Let's unveil your boldest brand identity yet!

Brand Strategist

As a brand strategist, I act as a collaborative partner to articulate your brand’s inner truths and core essence so you can boldly share it with the world. I uncover the “why, not just the “what” of each brand in order to uncover your unique soul, passion and higher reason for being.

My specialty in visual identity design is grounded in strategic foundations and messaging. Before even touching logo development or color schemes, I first guide leadership teams through tailored brand workshops to uncover your driving purpose and values. Together we dig into mission statements, define your brand personality, shaping brand narratives that connect you to your customers on a higher level.

With a brand strategy roadmap guiding the way, I then translate these revelations into branding assets—from emotive visual identities to emotive content that gives you an authentic voice. I develop brand style guides covering critical communications touchpoints so your visuals, photography, tone, packaging and more all align and reflect internal truths in order to resonate externally.

My branding process is always collaborative—“your vision + my execution.

Curated By Chrissy

Content Creation

I take a hands-on, partnership approach to creating content that cuts through the noise to deliver true value for your brand and audience. More than just writing blog posts or social captions, I become immersed in your industry, voice and goals to build content that strategically engages, educates and connects on a deeper level.

With a background in crafting content across formats, I bring proven techniques for grabbing attention and driving real interaction. But I balance eye-catching creative with substance and consistency that builds authority and trust over time.

My process is simple but effective - we brainstorm around your content objectives, identify audience pain points, map out themes and optimization strategies, and then I get to work writing posts that balance brand voice with specific keyword targeting. I shape content around reader experience, structuring pieces to spark recurring engagement.

I understand the power of collaboration, and welcome your input to ensure we create content you feel good about representing your unique business identity.

Curated By Chrissy


As a portrait photographer, I create experiences that reveal and empower the real you. Through thoughtful consultation and planning around your goals, I set the stage for authentic, emotional portraits. Combining technical precision with an artful eye, I reveal not just a face but your unique essence and confidence. My photography begins with your vision and ends with timeless images that resonate profoundly, affirming your sense of self and beauty each time they are viewed. I craft custom shoots aimed simply at boosting your self-assurance through the empowering thrill of seeing yourself represented just right.

Curated By Chrissy


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  • Strand, London WC2R 2LS, UK